Village Life Is Better


There is a silent debate concerning the relative merits of life in villages or rural areas as compared to life in urban centers. From the days following the industrial revolution, there has been increasing tendency for more and more rural populations to migrate to urban areas or cities in search of better living or economic opportunities. This demographic redistribution is reinforced by the ever increasing growth of urban areas and the springing up of new world. The scenario which I have described is not localized to any country or region but it is a worldwide phenomenon. This uninterrupted growth in urban population has gone on for the better part of one and a half centuries. Underlying this re-characterization of the world’s population distribution is a cultural re-orientation based on an unspoken stereotype: city life is inherently better and preferable to village life.

Arguments in Support of City life as against Village Life

The unspoken stereotype which motivates rural urban migrations is that life in cities is better and more preferable to village life. Those who hold this view base their assumption on the many conveniences, facilities and economic opportunities available in cities when compared to villages. It is undoubtedly true that cities have better houses, roads, public facilities, industries, schools, and economic facilities than villages.

What Constitutes a Qualitative Life?

It would be wrong to conclude that the quality of life in cities is better than in villages based on the aforementioned. The real question is “what constitutes a qualitative life?” Is it made up of better facilities and conveniences alone? In my estimation, qualitative life borders on a holistic wellness based on physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. And in this regard, it is undoubtedly true that life in villages trumps city life in several important respects. In the first instance, life in villages is less stressful. Living in cities is undoubtedly associated with living on the fast lane which could result in burnout and nervous wrecks. Again, the environment in villages is less polluted and there is certainly less crime. Also, isolationism and alienation is a very real and common phenomenon in cities with heterogeneous populations whereas ethnic and cultural homogeneity is usually the norm in villages resulting in better integration and mutual care among village inhabitants. Perhaps the greatest telling factor in this debate is the tendency for people to periodically retire to the villages to recuperate or to enjoy the bounties and health benefits of Mother Nature. On these premises, we can safely conclude that village life is indeed better than urban life.

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