The Basic Starting Point Of Every Essay: A Writing Tutorial

It does not matter whether you are starting an informational essay or a narrative one, every writing assignment has the same beginning. Each essay needs to have an introduction and every introduction has the same format. Once you master the format, you should not ever have any problems starting any paper for the rest of your academic career.

  • Each introduction has three distinct parts. The first is the hook, which is also called an attention-getter. The second is the bridge, which usually includes background information. The last is the thesis, which is the main idea of the entire paper. Each part is unique, but they all work together to provide the opening for the paper. Here are some tips to begin:
  • Write the thesis. Even though this sentence is the last one in the paragraph, you should have it prepared first. Without the thesis, you will not know how to begin and what you will be proving. This sentence should include the topic that you are arguing and the basis for your argument. It should only be one sentence; too many students think they can write more than one sentence, but it only confuses the reader. This sentence can be the answer to a yes-or-no question, like “Should students be allowed to use cell phones during school?” A solidly written thesis could be: “Students should be allowed to use cell phones during school because there are several apps that make learning accessible.”
  • Choose a favorite hook. Since the papers you write will usually be for different teachers, you are safe to pick a favorite style of hook. Begin with one of the techniques that works for you. They include beginning with a quote, with a series of questions, with a startling statement, or with a short anecdote. You can use the same technique with every paper, or you can challenge yourself by working with a different one each time.
  • Write the bridge. This is the section of sentences that connects the hook to the thesis. They should be informative, but not give too much information so that the rest of the paper is useless. The bridge should provide some explanation for the hook, especially if you used a quote or an anecdote. Once you have all of the pieces, put the paragraph together and get started on the rest of the project.

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