Easy Expository Essay Topics: 15 Great Ideas For Students

An expository essay is the type of assignment where you need to explain a certain subject and explore different aspects about it. You should be able to answer different questions about your subject like

  1. What is it
  2. Why is it so
  3. How can I deal with it
  4. Who made it so
  5. How can this be different/better/worse
  6. What are the other aspects of this subject
  7. What if it did not exist
  8. What if it existed in a different way

Not necessarily, all of these questions apply to your subject depending upon the topic you choose for your paper. The topic for an expository essay is easy to choose, you do not have to pick an arguable statement or something tricky. The topic of your paper should be something you want to explain in your essay. However, there is no reason for you to make this essay less interesting or boring. You can compose an engaging topic and write about something you are passionate for so that it reflects in your paper. A good topic should be able to hook your readers and give them something to build upon so that they continue reading your assignment

If you are having a hard time in writing a good topic for your paper, then you should consider using the following ideas to help complete a winning assignment.

Topics for an expository essay in school

  1. Describe your welcome party at school, what was the theme, what were people wearing, how good or bad did it turn out
  2. What is the background for the name or logo of your college
  3. Describe a building, landmark, or monument in your town. Who built it, why was it built, what purpose does it serve
  4. How do you prepare for an emergency situation let’s say an earthquake
  5. How can you help a suicidal friend or sibling
  6. What are the best activities to keep yourself occupied in evening breaks
  7. How did your neighborhood evolve since your childhood
  8. What do you need to do in order to prepare a surprise dinner for your parents
  9. How do you make an impressive memorial for your teacher
  10. What is the best strategy to avoid being ragged in first year of college
  11. What qualities do you look for in an ideal life partner
  12. Why should people save more and spend less
  13. What is the best way to study for exams
  14. What is the worst way to study for exams
  15. How to attempt your homework on time

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