Informative Essay Topics: 15 Great Writing Prompts

If you have experience in writing articles, you should already know the importance of having the right focus when you are typing. There are some clues which may be of help for your next essay. Below, we provide some pieces of advice that authors use when tackling a similar task.

Before writing the article

  1. Find a relaxing place to write. In order to write, you need some quietness. You should find a suitable place where nobody will disturb you during the creation process.
  2. Brainstorm prior to writing. It is recommended to take some time putting your ideas in order before you start the document. By doing so, you will have a better approach to the article.
  3. Sort the best ideas out and classify. Making a short list of your best ideas in the previous step is very useful. You will be able to check the information without taking too much time from the writing.
  4. Get your tools ready. A good organization is key to accomplish the best results. Any experienced author knows that you need to have a “place” where you create your texts. There, you will have reference books and/or online tools which you may consult.
  5. The most comfort, the better. How to put this down in simple words? Writing demands creativity. In order to come up with good ideas, you should be in the right mood. Keep that in mind.

  6. During the writing process

  7. Keep the typos at a minimum. There is no best way to avoid any grammar mistakes than having an automatic corrector activated while writing.
  8. Use online tools to save time. There are several tools for authors in the Internet; from editing tools to title capitalization applications.
  9. Proofreading is always a good idea. When you have completed a text, the next step is to check the result. It is not compulsory but you should save some time for doing so.
  10. Have you considered asking for an opinion? You may get surprised about how useful a commentary on your informative essay could be. Whether it is a specific point of view or just a general observation, any comments should be welcomed.
  11. Check your sources. Unless you are using a well-known source as a reference for your text, you should check on a few related books, websites, etc. Better save than sorry.

  12. After the writing process.

  13. Get the right format. The presentation is almost as important as the content. You should adapt the formatting in order to create a reader-friendly text.
  14. Keep a backup copy. Needless to say that having a backup of every document that you write is always a good ideas, specially looking forward for further corrections.
  15. Take a rest & correct. Try to revise the essay within some time after the writing process. You may come up with another perspective.
  16. Make the final correction. Even if it is a matter of seconds, you should check the articles before the delivery date.
  17. Deliver the articles. Make sure that you comply with the deadlines and the format that you have been asked for.

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